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Need to update/change the email address on your account?
We're happy to update your email address and/or combine your accounts so you can find all your order history in one place. Please contact our Customer Service Team using the contact form, or call 718-581-6763 between 8am and 4pm Eastern Time, Monday through Friday.
What is the ordering process like?
You will receive an order confirmation as soon as you place your order. Please watch for it, and any related alerts, to make sure that your order was successfully placed. If you change your email address, let us know, and we are happy to update the email address in your account so you can continue to receive important alerts about your order. You will receive an emailed invoice and shipping confirmation (with tracking number) when we bill and ship your order. Most orders leave our warehouse the same day they were placed!
What payment potions do you offer?
We accept MasterCard, Visa, Discover, American Express, and payments via PayPal. When using PayPal: You will be redirected to PayPal's site from our checkout. PayPal will then return you to our checkout, where you have another opportunity to review your order before you click the final "Place Order" button. PayPal may require that you ship to an address that's already in their system. If you experience any issues with PayPal checkout, please log into your Metriz Jewelry account before selecting a payment option. All prices are in USD. For information about check payments, or wire transfers for international orders, contact us.
Why should I provide my email and phone when ordering?
Your information stays privately with us and we wouldn’t ever want to spam you. It’s important to have a way for our customer service team to contact you about your order so nothing surprising happens! Inaccurate credit card information is a finger’s slip away and occasionally your selection is so stellar that it’s on backorder. We also want to make sure you get our email confirmation as a record of the order. Working with customers makes us happy; we just need a way to keep the lines of communication open.
Do you make custom jewelry?
Unfortunately no. At the moment we are not able to take custom orders. However we do have Large and ever-expanding selection of African Jewelry.
Do you have an actual store I can come visit?
Nope, no bricks & mortar for us. But although we only exist online, there are still tons of ways to stay in touch with us.